Genomind Review: Can DNA Testing Help Your Mental Health?

Written by Samantha Odake, BS | Last updated:


  1. Products: DNA testing, psychotropic, and mental health reports.
  2. Cost: Genomind testing costs vary depending on insurance coverage, but can cost up to $2,000.
  3. Reports: Psychotropic and mental health reports.
  4. Raw data access: No.
  5. Privacy: Genomind does not sell identifiable information to third parties, but reserves the right to share aggregated data.
  6. Alternatives: SelfDecode delivers health recommendations based on your genes.


  • Results in just three business days.
  • Patients and healthcare providers are given lifetime access to Genomind’s portal.
  • Offers a patient-friendly report in addition to their physician report.


  • Does not allow users to upload genetic DNA files from other testing companies.
  • For uninsured or under-insured patients, tests can be very expensive.
  • Some services require an order from a licensed physician.
  • Does not allow access to raw DNA data.

About Genomind

Genomind is a genetic testing company that was founded in 2009 by Dr. Ronald Dozoretz and Dr. Jay Lombard. Headquartered in Pennsylvania, they specialize in improving the quality of life for people suffering from mental illness by offering personalized treatment plans.

The company claims to have analyzed over 250,000 samples in their New York State certified laboratory and uses patients’ genotypes to create a personalized approach to treatment.

Review of Genomind Products & Features

Genomind offers genetic testing for mental illness in the form of two different products: Genomind Professional PGx Express and Mental Health Map. They use pharmacogenetics to identify how genetics may influence people’s reactions to certain drugs, and minimize trial and error while finding a safe and effective medication at an appropriate dosage.

Genomind Professional PGx Express

Genomind Professional PGx Express is a DNA test that helps physicians personalize treatment to an individual patient. Tests need to be ordered by a licensed clinician.

The company identifies genetic markers that may affect how patients react to medications and other treatments. It provides information on over 10 mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder. Moreover, it compares results with over 130 medications.

Patients and providers gain lifetime access to reports and expert services, including on-demand professional consultations for clinicians.

There are two reports provided with this service. The Full Mental Health Report examines 24 genes to guide treatment decisions for mental health conditions. The Core and Anxiety and Depression Report analyzes 15 genes that may influence the treatment of depression, anxiety, and related conditions.

Mental Health Map

Genomind Mental Health Map is marketed as the first direct-to-consumer genetic testing for mental illness. It offers insights on 7 core genetic mental health capabilities, which include eating behaviors, sleep, habits and substance use, mood, focus and memory, social behavior, and stress and anxiety.

It analyzes 35 genes and 59 mental health predispositions. The Mental Health Map test does not need to be ordered by a clinician, but it does not give any information about medication use.

Neither the Professional PGx Express nor the Mental Health Maps allow users to upload genetic results processed by other laboratories.

Review of Genomind Reports

A Genomind sample report will be reviewed in this section.

Professional PGx Express

Both the Core Anxiety and Depression and the Full Mental Health reports specify the gene analyzed and explain its physiological role. Additionally, they show the impact a mutation may have on the body and the treatment. A portion of the Genomind sample report is shown below.

Genomind DNA test results

Moreover, the company offers clinicians three report summary views. The Gene Variations Summary (seen below) provides patients’ genotypes for each gene variant analyzed and some guidance on treatment options.

Genomind sample report

The Gene Drug Interaction Summary explains how patients’ genetic profile interacts with certain medications by offering information on the risk of side effects and altered drug metabolism.

Genomind drug interaction

The Diagnosis-Specific Summary offers a visual representation of treatment strategies for each condition. It shows whether the genetic variation reduces or increases the efficacy of the drug, or if it has no significant influence. A sample report can be seen below.

Patients are also provided with Genomind’s Professional PGx Rx MetaType Card, with information about how their body reacts to certain medications. This card can be used by any healthcare professional to guide dosage for other Rx and over-the-counter medications.

Patients have access to the portal where they can access a patient-friendly report 30 days after their clinician has received the test results.

Mental Health Map

The Mental Health Map offers eight interactive reports that identify mental health predispositions in different areas. Additionally, the company offers a 30-minute consultation with a Genomind BrainTrust advisor, a wellness coach trained and certified by them to help users interpret their results.

Mental Health Map

The report provides some recommendations based on genes. It shows users’ genotypes and compares them to the general population. A screenshot of user portal is shown below.

Cost of Genomind

Genomind Professional PGx Express is a physician-ordered genetic test, so costs may vary depending on insurance coverage. Uninsured or under-insured patients have to pay $2,000, to which the company offers a 15% prompt pay discount.

For commercial insurance, employer, or Medicare advantage, the test cost can vary depending on the coverage. They state that in these cases, patients usually pay no more than $399.

Mental Health Map is available for $599. Since it is not a physician-ordered genetic test, it is not covered by insurance. They accept FSA cards, but customers should check if they are approved for reimbursement.

Health Recommendations from Genomind

Genomind Professional PGx Express offers recommendations on medication intake based on patients’ genotype. It provides some information on how certain genes may impact drug treatment and some guidelines on how healthcare professionals can adapt their dosage for certain medications.

It is a physician-oriented report and does not offer patients any recommendations they can implement every day to help improve their mental health.

The Mental Health Map provides users with some recommendations, but they are limited and superficial.

Review of Genomind Privacy & Data Security

Genomind is HIPAA and GINA-compliant. They claim not to sell any identifiable data to third parties without consent. However, they explain that aggregate information may be shared with third parties.

Additionally, they may share information with service providers and commonly owned entities, such as subsidiaries and affiliates. If explicit consent is given, research collaborators may also have access to the data.

SelfDecode vs Genomind

  1. SelfDecode delivers natural supplement, diet, and lifestyle suggestions based on your genes that you can implement right away. Genomind offers psychotropic and basic lifestyle recommendations.
  2. SelfDecode tells you why they make each recommendation so that you can understand the science behind the suggestion. Genomind provides only some scientific explanations.
  3. SelfDecode prioritizes recommendations based on their analysis of all the relevant genes instead of one gene at a time (through reports). Genomind does not prioritize their recommendations.
  4. SelfDecode takes a holistic approach to give recommendations that are best for your genes AND the health topic. Genomind only offers analysis on mental health.
  5. SelfDecode has a team of over 60 highly skilled scientists, MDs, PhDs, NDs, and software engineers to make sure they deliver the most accurate and science-based health information. Genomind was founded by clinicians and scientists.
  6. SelfDecode is the most comprehensive and looks at more genes & gene variants (up to 83 million) to deliver the best analysis of genetic risks. Genomind examines only a limited number of genes.
  7. SelfDecode supports everything with peer-reviewed scientific studies in their research and checks for contradicting information. Genomind reports are also based on scientific literature, but they are not referenced in the reports.
  8. SelfDecode never sells your data or gives it away. Genomind does not sell identifiable data but reserves the right to share aggregate information.


SelfDecode Genomind GeneSight Color Genomics
Personalized & holistic health recommendations Yes No No No
Genes & gene variants analyzed Up to 83 million genetic variants Up to 35 genes 12 genes 104 genes
Products DNA testing, wellness reports, health recommendations, patient and provider options, lab test analyzer DNA testing, psychotropic and mental health reports Psychotropic testing, diagnostic reports DNA testing, screening guidelines, and patient and provider options
Raw data access Yes No No No
Cost (USD) $97 – $389 $0 – $2,000, depending on insurance coverage $300 $249

Genomind Reviews

Better Business Bureau – 4 Customer Average Rating of 2 of 5

Genomind reviewers were not satisfied with their customer service and did not think the results were helpful. Additionally, they did not approve of their prices.

See what people are saying about Genomind on Reddit

Reddit users discuss the medical relevance of the information provided by Genomind.

See what people are saying about Genomind on Twitter

The Genomind hashtag on Twitter is a good place to find more information.


SelfDecode: Personalized diet, lifestyle, and supplement recommendations based on your DNA and labs.

Genomind Review Summary

Genomind tests focus on mental health and aim to help healthcare providers personalize treatments based on patients’ genetic predispositions to certain medications. The Professional PGx Express must be ordered by a licensed physician, while the Mental Health Map can be purchased separately.

While Genomind offers some recommendations based on DNA, it is limited to mental health analysis. Moreover, the recommendations provided by the Mental Health Map report are superficial. Individuals looking to improve their mental or physical health with deep and meaningful genetic analysis should look elsewhere or augment their Genomind testing with another service.

To fill this gap, SelfDecode offers over 30 comprehensive health reports with personalized and easy-to-implement health recommendations aimed at improving wellness and quality of life, all for less than $100 annually. SelfDecode uses AI and machine learning to analyze up to 83 million genetic variants to give you the fullest picture of your health.


About the Author

Samantha Odake

Samantha Odake

Samantha is an engineer turned writer with a passion for helping people.


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The information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration or any other medical body. We do not aim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. Information is shared for educational purposes only. You must consult your doctor before acting on any content on this website, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition.

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