Infinome Review: A Free DNA Analysis For Your Health?

Written by Samantha Odake, BS | Last updated:


  1. Products: Online DNA analysis tool.
  2. Cost: Free.
  3. Reports: Genetic risks for certain diseases.
  4. Raw data access: Infinome does not offer DNA testing and requires users to have access to their raw DNA data.
  5. Privacy: Infinome claims not to share user data with anyone without permission.
  6. Alternatives: SelfDecode is best option for health-focused DNA analysis with personalized recommendations.


  • Free to use
  • Allows users to connect various health trackers to their account


  • Does not offer DNA testing
  • Results are difficult to understand
  • Does not provide any health recommendations based on DNA or lifestyle data

About Infinome

Infinome describes itself as a citizen science project that aims to better understand the interactions between one’s lifestyle and genetics. The project was started in 2014 by Clinton Mielke, PhD, and Roeland Hancock, PhD. Dr. Meilke completed his research at the Mayo Clinic on metabolic syndrome. Dr. Hancock is a post-doctoral fellow at UCSF.

Anyone can participate in this project, as long as they have access to their raw DNA data from 23andMe. The website also accepts data from health trackers such as Fitbit, Jawbone, Withings, or Beddit. They claim that the experiment and results achieved will be freely available to anyone.

Interested in using your 23andMe data to learn more about yourself? SelfDecode uses AI and machine learning to accurately predict and analyze up to 83 million genetic variants from your typical 23andMe DNA file. SelfDecode also gives you personalized and prioritized recommendations to help you optimize your health with a DNA-based approach!

Review of How Infinome Works

To get started, you will need to connect your 23andMe account to Infinome. The website requests access to all genomic data, genotype information, ancestry analysis, and other personal information such as name, date of birth, height, and weight. They do not accept raw DNA data from other providers.

The website also lets users connect their health trackers to collect data from. The fitness trackers accepted by Infinome are:

  • Fitbit
  • Jawbone
  • Withings
  • Beddit

You can find some information about how weight affects overall health on the website, and what role genetics plays, but it is not personalized to your genetic results. Infinome merely presents some general statistics about life expectancy and top health risk factors.

Genetic Report

After you link your 23andMe account and allow access to your genomic data, you can navigate the Genetics Report tab on the website to view your genetic risk profile for certain diseases and traits, including:

  • Obesity
  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Blood Pressure
  • Cholesterol
  • And others

Infinome presents a Manhattan plot with the top SNPs associated with the condition or trait selected. This diagram is commonly used in genome-wide association studies (GWAS) and might be difficult to understand if you don’t have some previous knowledge in genetics. A sample chart can be seen below.

Infinome Manhattan Plot

From the Select a Disease dropdown box, you can choose between the several traits and diseases offered by Infino me. You can learn more about the effects of each genetic variant by clicking on the SNP shown in the chart.

Infinome also provides all SNPs analyzed, your genotype and risk alleles, and the studies that were used to generate the report. As the website was intended to be an open science project, they do not provide any health recommendations based on genetic results.

Fitness Stats

The Fitness Stats tab is divided into additional tabs:

  • Weight
  • Activity
  • Comparisons
  • Correlations
  • Sleep

Similar to the Genetic Report section, Infinome presents you with a complicated-looking chart, as seen below. This represents your historical data from different health trackers.

Infino.me fitness tracker historical data

In the Correlations tab, you will be able to see how the information provided by the several tracking devices you linked to your account correlates over time. Again, the website presents a few confusing diagrams that can be difficult to understand. A sample chart is shown below.

Infinome fitness tracker correlated data

You can also find out how your health data compares to other people in the study in terms of number of steps, distance walked, stairs climbed, calories burned, time asleep, and sleep efficiency. Infinome presents this information on a color-coded bar and tells you if your metrics are higher or lower than other participants.

Unfortunately, you will not receive any suggestions on how to improve these areas from Infinome. You’ll need to decipher the complicated graphs and charts by yourself to understand what you need to do to improve your health.

If you connect your Facebook account, you can also compare all your stats from these health trackers with your friends.

Cost of Infinome

Anyone with access to their raw DNA data from 23andMe and other health data such as blood pressure, weight, and activity levels can participate in the project for free. The only costs you’ll need to consider are those of the DNA test from 23andMe and activity trackers such as Fitbit.

Health Recommendations from Infinome

Infinome’s DNA analysis covers different common diseases and health traits such as blood pressure and cholesterol. However, the information is presented in a complicated Manhattan plot which can leave you more confused about your genetic predispositions.

The website tells you the effect each genetic variant has on a certain disease or condition, but they won’t go any further. Infinome does not offer any diet, lifestyle, or supplement recommendations to help you optimize your health.

Despite collecting lifestyle and fitness data from various health trackers, the analysis is limited to a historical compilation of the data and how you compare to other participants of the study. You won’t receive any other health insights based on this information.

Review of Infinome Privacy & Data Security

Infinome’s privacy policy is fairly simple and not very extensive. Once a person grants Infinome access to their other accounts such as 23andMe, the website has access to all the user’s genomic and genotype data, ancestry admixture, and other personal information.

As soon as a user unlinks their account from other websites, Infinome claims that all the data is deleted. They also claim that they have their own server where the data is aggregated and studied and will not be shared without the user’s permission.

If a user connects their Facebook account, they will be able to share and compare fitness and sleep data with their friends, but the website claims that they will not share any data with Facebook.



Infinome OpenSNP


Personalized & holistic health recommendations


No No


Personalized blog posts


No No



DNA testing, wellness reports, research-based personalized blog posts, health recommendations

DNA analysis, health reports Online open-source portal for genotypes and phenotypes.

DNA analysis, health reports

Raw data access




Cost (USD)

$97 – $387

Free Free


Infinome Reviews

There are not many Infinome reviews online. The editor at DNAtestingchoice gave the website 3.5 of 5 stars. The reviewer said there was a good amount of information provided free of cost, but it was complicated and difficult to navigate. They also said they weren’t able to understand what the Manhattan plot presented by Infinome showed, so they were unable to gauge how interesting and useful the information was.

Alternatives to Infinome

SelfDecode: The best option for health-focused DNA analysis with personalized reports and recommendations to improve your quality of life.

Infinome Review Summary

Infinome is intended to be an open science project aimed at making genetic research more accessible to people. If you choose to provide your raw DNA data from 23andMe and other health markers to contribute to the project, you will receive several complicated charts and no guidance on how to interpret this information.

The reports cover actionable SNPs related to common diseases and traits, and all this data could help you achieve a gene-based approach to optimizing your health. However, Infinome falls short in telling you what actions you need to take to target relevant genetic markers. Regarding the information collected from various health trackers, you’ll only receive an analysis of how you compare to other participants in the study, and a compilation of your historical data.

If you want to achieve optimal health by looking at your genes, labs, and environmental data, you should check out SelfDecode. As the only direct-to-consumer company that uses AI in genomics, SelfDecode analyzes up to 83 million genetic variants to give your genetic risk score and personalized recommendations on dozens of health topics.


About the Author

Samantha Odake

Samantha Odake

Samantha is an engineer turned writer with a passion for helping people.


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The information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration or any other medical body. We do not aim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. Information is shared for educational purposes only. You must consult your doctor before acting on any content on this website, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition.

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